This was me at six in the morning cold!
Aj's big fish! Atleast 4 lbs
Conners fish
I am on my lunch break so I only have half an hour so I have to make this quick. So this last weekend we went to st george to fish. We left friday evening, which friday ended up being an adventure in of itself. We intended to leave as soon as everything was packed up, so we had everything ready to go and we drove to conners house to meet up and leave. We got there and no conner..... Aj then called him and asked where he was. I guess conner was at his sisters house, he had to come home and drop his dog off then we were going to leave. The last thing aj said to him was to hurry. ( knock on wood is what we should have done ) Conner was trying to hurry and some lady he was following stopped at a green light and conner rear ended her. We then waited for the cops and they all did there whole investigation and decided that no one was at fault when in fact the lady stopped at a GREEN LIGHT! We then proceeded on with our trip with conner in pain the whole time because he already has a jacked up back and then he got in an accident. We got to st george and the weather was fantastic!!!! ahh it was so warm I loved it. Our trip consisted of alot of swearing from aj, conner falling, me almost beating them with the amount of fish I caught, peeing off the side of the boat, my hook getting caught in weeds and aj saying" just yank really hard" which I then proceeded to do and my hook comes flying back and barely missing both of them, alot of laughing, launching at six in the morning, lots of sun, and of course a whole lot of fun!!!!! I am now hooked on fishing. I never thought I would like it but man after you start to catch alot of fish its so fun!
On sunday it was the hottest, 80 degress! I did not want to come home. Next time we will plan for a longer trip. Three days is not long enough!
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